Two of the busiest, most incredibly vivacious loved ones of mine have recently incurred momentary bouts of an a-rhythmic heart episode known as atrial fibrillation. In each instance, I watched while t...
While doing some research online this morning, a video popped up on my computer that showed a group of engineers using a 3-D printer. They excitedly huddled around the piece of technology, bouncing th...
Yesterday, I watched footage of a 102 year old woman jump out of a plane, and excitedly descend to earth. She had never been skydiving, and wanted to do it before any more time had passed. The urgency...
Yesterday morning I sat, cradling a hot cup of coffee to watch out the window as street-sweepers whisked away piles of vibrant, multicolored leaves. It had been years since I had experienced the rathe...
This past weekend I had the pleasure of taking part in an immersive and surprisingly intensive virtual retreat. An intimate group of us gathered together to gain clarity surrounding our work/life path...
“Is all of this just a bad dream...?”
My dear friend’s words punctured the balloon of breath she had been holding while bracing for her daily dose of disturbing news. Her inadvertent inquiry escaped ...
Searching through a long-neglected dresser drawer yesterday, I stumbled across an old, plastic, nearly prehistoric and definitely pre-Rubik’s Cube, number-slide puzzle. It had come as a childhood birt...
“If the wildfires get any closer, we may have to evacuate—“
My dear friend in California explained the searing and unsettling threat that the recent fires had eminently made to her home during our co...
Nearly every morning for the past month, I have run past a lawn speckled with purple flowers in the student housing district adjacent to Michigan State University. I have happily watched the greenery ...
The UPS truck pulled up in front of my house the other day, and I watched as the delivery man gently placed a box on the front porch. My stomach tightened a bit with anticipation of the contents. In a...
Last night, I was catapulted out of slumber by an atomic explosion of thunder. The casual cloud-cover that had tucked us into bed the previous evening had accumulated, agitated, and turned aggressive ...
While cleaning out my apartment, I came across an exercise and healing modality that I used to use on a regular basis to manage the severe, persistent pain in my knee. The satchel held three squash-si...