Why itā€™s not woo-woo, itā€™s scientifically vital to include your heart in your decisions. mogul

Two of the busiest, most incredibly vivacious loved ones of mine have recently incurred momentary bouts of an a-rhythmic heart episode known as atrial fibrillation. In each instance, I watched while t...

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Why problem-solving doesnā€™t work, but solution-discovery does. mogul

While doing some research online this morning, a video popped up on my computer that showed a group of engineers using a 3-D printer. They excitedly huddled around the piece of technology, bouncing th...

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What would you do if you only had one week to live...? mogul

Yesterday, I watched footage of a 102 year old woman jump out of a plane, and excitedly descend to earth. She had never been skydiving, and wanted to do it before any more time had passed. The urgency...

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How to heed the call to fall... mogul

Yesterday morning I sat, cradling a hot cup of coffee to watch out the window as street-sweepers whisked away piles of vibrant, multicolored leaves. It had been years since I had experienced the rathe...

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How to break free of limitations... mogul

This past weekend I had the pleasure of taking part in an immersive and surprisingly intensive virtual retreat. An intimate group of us gathered together to gain clarity surrounding our work/life path...

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The best way to find the answers we need most... mogul

ā€œIs all of this just a bad dream...?ā€

My dear friendā€™s words punctured the balloon of breath she had been holding while bracing for her daily dose of disturbing news. Her inadvertent inquiry escaped ...

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How do we best play with the puzzle of life...? mogul

Searching through a long-neglected dresser drawer yesterday, I stumbled across an old, plastic, nearly prehistoric and definitely pre-Rubikā€™s Cube, number-slide puzzle. It had come as a childhood birt...

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What are the TOP THREE TOOLS in your lifeā€™s GO-BAG...? mogul

ā€œIf the wildfires get any closer, we may have to evacuateā€”ā€œ

My dear friend in California explained the searing and unsettling threat that the recent fires had eminently made to her home during our co...

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