In the garden of your life, are you planting WEEDS or FLOWERS...? mogul

Nearly every morning for the past month, I have run past a lawn speckled with purple flowers in the student housing district adjacent to Michigan State University. I have happily watched the greenery ...

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Do you choose fast or feast, past or peace...? mogul

The UPS truck pulled up in front of my house the other day, and I watched as the delivery man gently placed a box on the front porch. My stomach tightened a bit with anticipation of the contents. In a...

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How to weather this thunderstorm of chaos... mogul

Last night, I was catapulted out of slumber by an atomic explosion of thunder. The casual cloud-cover that had tucked us into bed the previous evening had accumulated, agitated, and turned aggressive ...

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How to reduce the chronic pain of inflammation... mogul

While cleaning out my apartment, I came across an exercise and healing modality that I used to use on a regular basis to manage the severe, persistent pain in my knee. The satchel held three squash-si...

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The razor’s edge of racial prejudice. mogul

It is hard not to be consumed by heartbreak as we witness acute, highly-charged and angry eruptions of violence around our nation right now, while we struggle to reconcile yet another shocking and ete...

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How do we begin to traverse the trauma...? mogul

It is hard not to be enveloped by the slippery despondency of heartbreak as we witness the acute eruptions of violent, angry unrest befalling our nation right now. In its most recent—yet, eternally sh...

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Do or do not. There is no try. mogul

My mom asked if I had completed a task on my to-do list the other day, and I had responded to her by saying that I would “try.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I winced a bit. There was som...

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“What do I do?” “How do I fix this??” mogul

Last night I watched a portion of the  gripping British television series with which my mom has been deeply enamored. The show regales the adventures—and misadventures—of a modern day London legal cha...

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The thing about blame... mogul

While updating me on her work life the other day, a friend of mine emphatically explained how her boss was to blame for the dramatic disintegration of his company, subsequent litigious employee morale...

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I was sitting on a plane last week, awaiting take off, and the safety demonstration struck me, once again, with its order of events; the strident emphasis placed on donning your own mask before assist...

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#IAmAMogul: No one can take your joy. mogul

“Aren’t you a little…young…to have written a memoir?”

The older gentleman to whom I was being introduced was still holding my hand as his words fell sideways from his cocked, inquisitive head.


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What Lights You Up? mogul

We all have heard the expression, “you get what you give” and “you teach people how to treat you.” And we have all either experienced or witnessed rudeness escalating into a shouting match on the side...

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